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Kidney supplements can play a key role in maintaining healthy kidneys. The kidney is one of the most important organs in the human body. Approximately 75-80% of the human body is comprised of water. The job of the kidneys is to filter this water, as well as our blood, of the many toxins and waste materials in the body. Our kidneys also control our blood pressure and maintain levels of certain hormones. Kidney supplements can help keep the kidneys healthy and functioning at optimal levels. A good amount of water consumption is also vital to the health of your kidneys. Supplementation without adequate water intake can do more harm than good. Due to busy lifestyles and hectic schedules, most of us do not drink the recommended 2-3 liters a day. Couple that with tea, coffee, and alcohol intake and you're on the way to impaired kidney function. For healthy kidneys, make sure to take your kidney suppplements, drink plenty of water, and avoid dehydrating drinks like alcohol, tea, and coffee.