Do you suffer from water retention or bloating? Our bodies are made up of up o 65% water and without it life would be unsustainable. However, too much of it leaves us feeling swollen, puffy, bloated and generally uncomfortable.
Herbal diuretics, also referred to as water pills, can help relieve the discomfort associated with excess water retention. Herbal diuretics are also an effective solution for people looking to lose weight, specifically water weight. Certain conditions can contribute to a fluid imbalance in the body including poor diet, some medications, PMS, hormonal changes, and certain medical conditions.
Over the counter herbal diuretics help remove excess fluids from the body by promoting urination without the loss of electrolytes or potassium. In fact, most formulas nowadays are classified as potassium sparing diuretics since they usually include added potassium (from potassium gluconate).
Herbal diuretics are a safe and natural alternative to prescription diuretics. Most formulas contain a herbal blend of one or more of the following diuretic herbs: Uva-Ursi, Parsley, Golden Seal, Dandelion Root, Skullcap, Sage, Green Tea, Celery Seed, Saffron, Hops, Yarrow, Rose Hips, and Fennel. Although safe and effective in moderation, over indulgence may lead to dehydration. Always follow the manufacturers directions listed on the product label and never take herbal diuretics if youre pregnant or nursing.