ENZYTROX (Calorie Intercepting Agent):
Cutting edge intercepting agent, which may help blunt the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. This designer blend includes Glucomanan, which is a unique fiber derived from the Konjac Root that may bind with portions of fat calories and also expand as a gel like bolus after being ingested to help users feel full. Pandalidus Biopolymer Extract also possesses similar properties, which may further enhance this effect. The Phaseous Vulgaris component of this formula may help reduce levels of the alpha-amylase enzyme, which is responsible for converting starches into glucose. This may provide benefit in reducing calorie content from a multitude of carbohydrate sources.
Garcinia Cambogia Extract standardized for Hydroxy Citric Acid may assist with appetite suppression and enhance the utilization of carbohydrates as energy rather than being stored as bodyfat.
Lastly, Platycodi Radix Extract, which contains Platycodin D may inhibit the breakdown of fats and further enhance the synergistic effect of these compounds. These multiple mechanisms of actions may provide exceptional cutting edge diet support when eating excessively high calorie meals is unavoidable.
NEUROTROL (Appetite Controlling Blend):
High-tech blend of compounds, which may promote control of appetite and help user to feel full during periods of intense dieting.
DIGESTOL ( Hyper Digestive Fusion):
This designer blend of compounds may gently speed and support the digestive process.
NOTE: Fizogen CHEAT TABS may be taken in conjunction with Lean Tabs for an amplified effect. This specialized combination of products may help users dramatically support fat-loss. Be sure to follow all label instructions prior to use.