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VPX NO Shotgun V3
VPX NO Shotgun V3
1.48 Lbs.
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VPX NO Shotgun V3
Hardcore Creatine Matrix

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Product Code: VPX-006

Product Description
VPX NO Shotgun V3 1.48 lbs
Watermelon, Fruit, Black Cherry or Grape

Muscle DNA is important because DNA carries the genetic information of a cell. DNA encodes the information for muscle proteins and is able to self-replicate. Because NO-Shotgun increases muscle DNA by 148.65%, there's some crazy off-the-chain activity going on inside the muscle cell. Imagine, you can have a limited amount of naturally occurring muscle DNA replication going on with resistance training and get your usual lackluster results in muscle growth. Or, you can consume NO-Shotgun and experience the enormous amount of muscle generated by the mind-blowing 148.65% increase in self-replicating muscle DNA. Consequently, if weight training produced a 40% increase in DNA and this muscle DNA self-replicated at a rate of 10 fold, you would get a 400% increase in muscle DNA, and over the period of a year might be lucky to gain 7 pounds of lean muscle-hypothetically speaking. However, if the same DNA self-replication rate held true at 10-fold drinking NO-Shotgun, a 1,486.50% increase in muscle gene proteins would occur. One can only guess how much growth is possible at this rate in a year's time?

While some of this is theoretical science, the fact holds true that muscle gene activating proteins do increase at a rate of 148.65% with use of one container of NO-Shotgun over a four-week period when combined with resistance training. Therefore, drinking NO-Shotgun prior to training is undoubtedly the most important tactic you can use to build muscle. And, this is my theory as to why NO-Shotgun has such a dramatic effect on increasing muscle gene activating proteins which you'll read about later in this article. And, further how and why satellite cells are formed resulting in hyperplasia - new muscle growth! Hyperplasia is exciting because it allows you to grow new muscle beyond what your current genetic limitation. Instead of just making existing muscle fibers larger, NO-Shotgun allows you to tap into your muscle DNA and alter muscle genes to form and build new muscle! And, that's super exciting bodybuilding news.

DNA is your cell's 'blueprint' for everything that goes on in your body. Your DNA is housed in the nucleus of each of your cells, and muscle cells have more than one nucleus. Think of the nucleus of your cell as the 'brains' behind the cell. It ultimately determines what your cell makes (i.e. proteins). So an increase in your muscle's DNA is an indication that the nuclei have a greater capacity for increasing muscle protein. Also, with more nuclei (and DNA), your muscle cells have greater control over what goes on in muscle. For bodybuilders, that means you become better at attaining bigger and greater numbers of muscle fibers. And the proof is in the University Research. Consequently, this is why NO-Shotgun produces massive gains in strength, size, and muscle proteins.

  • Lean Mass - 181.1% greater gains
  • Bench Press Strength- 1108.2% greater gains
  • Leg Press Strength- 53.5% greater gains
  • Myofibrillar Protein- 107.2% greater gains
  • Total Muscle DNA- 148.65% greater gains
  • Myogenic Regulatory Factors- 515.0% greater increase (Myo-D)

NO ShotgunThe chart to the right shows that drinking a serving of NO-Shotgun MHF-1 (Myogenic Hyperplasic Factor-1) pre-workout for one month increases Muscle DNA over three times more than training alone (with a placebo). That's huge! And, that translates into huge increases in lean muscle mass. In fact, as you read the charts throughout this article you will see that this increase in new muscle is crisp, sharp water-free lean muscle mass gains. This is important because other companies are claiming "water retention" as part of the gains in lean mass form their product. While it is true that these are not fat gains, it is highly untrue and unethical to count a water-retaining-bloat as muscle. This is why other companies include a significant amount of carbohydrates in their formulae - A) its cheap and, B) they deceptively claim that the water-weight gain from the carbohydrates is lean muscle. Each gram of carbohydrate makes you hold three grams of water. Drink their carb-laden product for a month and you'll be holding more water than a Sperm Whale and, these unscrupulous companies will tell you that your bloat is research-proven gains in lean muscle!

What if we told you that taking 21 grams per day of a pre-workout supplement would not only put on muscle mass, but do it by elevating the Myogenic Regulatory Factors or MRFs? What are the MRFs you ask? In the broadest sense, MRFs are proteins that bind to DNA thus controlling how genetic information is passed from DNA to RNA. These MRFs thus control the creation of new muscle tissue. Now unless you decide to take a molecular biology class, take our word for it that these MRFs are highly important for regulating muscle mass. So, let's get to the meat of the matter. Where's the scientific university research study? And, what does this mean to you as far as gaining more lean mass faster and more efficiently?

So how did the Massive Increases in Muscle Gene Proteins, Muscle DNA and Myogenic Regulatory Factors translate into real world bodybuilding results with NO-Shotgun?

Researchers at a prestigious university performed the complicated task of unraveling the secrets of NO-Shotgun. In science lingo, they sought out to determine the effects of four weeks of heavy resistance exercise combined with the oral ingestion of NO-Shotgun supplementation on body composition, muscle strength and mass, and markers of satellite cell activation. If you paid attention in biology class, satellite cells are cells that sit on the periphery of muscle cells. When you damage or exercise your muscles it activates these cells, and that my friends is a good thing. Why? Because satellite cells make existing muscle fibers BIGGER and in some extreme cases, may even contribute to making new muscle fibers (i.e. muscle fiber hyperplasia). Imagine that. Larger muscle fibers as well as the potential to make mind-blowing gains in muscle fiber number too!

These scientists measured body composition (how much muscle and fat the subjects had), muscle strength, muscle mass, myofibrillar protein content and markers of satellite cell activation [serum IGF-1 (IGF-1), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), c-met tyrosine kinase (c-met)], proliferation (Myo-D, myf-5), and differentiation (myogenin, MRF-4, total DNA content).

Study volunteers consumed 21 grams/day of placebo [PL] or 21 grams/day of NO-Shotgun (NO). For both the NO-Shotgun and placebo the dosage was ingested 30 minutes prior to each exercise session to take advantage of nutrient timing to maximize the benefits of NO-Shotgun.

On days where no exercise occurred the full dosage of each supplement was ingested in the morning upon waking. Participants lifted weights 4-days per week split into two upper and two lower body workouts per week for a total of four weeks. The human test subjects performed a bi-weekly upper body resistance-training program consisting of nine exercises including bench press, lat pull down, shoulder press, seated rows, shoulder shrugs, chest flies, biceps curl, triceps press down, and abdominal curls twice per week. Test subjects also performed a bi-weekly lower-body program consisting of seven exercises including leg press or squat, back extension, step ups, leg curls, leg extension, calf raises, and abdominal crunches. Participants performed 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions with 75%-80% of their 1-RM (rep max) on each exercise. Rest periods between exercises and sets lasted no longer than three minutes.

So what were the results of the NO-Shotgun study?

Research scientists found that four weeks of NO-Shotgun supplementation used in conjunction with heavy resistance training effectively increases muscle strength and mass and induces myogenesis by stimulating increases in markers indicative of satellite cell activation and proliferation. In English that means that NO-Shotgun produces more lean muscle mass and it does so by activating your genetic machinery. And for those of you worried about 'bloating' from a pre-workout supplement, NO-Shotgun didn't cause any water retention! More importantly, gains in lean body mass were dramatic!

Summary: NO-Shotgun turns on the MYOGENIC REGULATORY FACTORS! For you science buffs out there MRFs are defined by the scientist like this: "A family of muscle-specific transcription factors which bind to DNA in control regions and thus, regulate myogenesis. All members of this family contain a conserved helix-loop-helix motif which is homologous to the myc family proteins. These factors are only found in skeletal muscle. Members include the myoD protein (MYOD PROTEIN); MYOGENIN; myf-5, and myf-6 (also called MRF4 or herculin)."

The KEY word above is MYOGENESIS, which means the formation of muscle tissue.

Summary: NO-Shotgun has safety data on 30 clinical markers† showing no side effects in while producing unprecedented gains in lean muscle mass, strength, and measures of skeletal muscle anabolism. This is the epitome of the anabolic drive. With NO-Shotgun, you'll have the very best tool to help you achieve the highest level of performance and bodybuilding goals.

†Note: these clinical markers included all of the following: triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, GTT, LDH, uric acid, glucose, BUN, creatinine, BUN/creatinine, calcium, total protein, total bilirubin, ALP, AST, ALT, CK, WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils).

For even better results combine NO-SyntheSize as your Post-Workout supplement.

NO Synthesize as the Post-Workout Supplement of Choice!

  • Scientifically formulated
  • Advanced Post-Workout Anabolic Cocktail
  • University tested
  • Has all the Essential Amino Acids for maximal anabolism
  • With PeptoPro, the most advanced casein protein hydrolysate
  • With Beta-Alanine to enhance performance

Let's face it, what you consume BEFORE and AFTER you train is the most critical issue with supplement use! That's why VPX's NO-Shotgun and NO-Synthesize form the dynamic duo of lean mass enhancing supplements. The beauty of this system, called nutrient timing, is that NO-Shotgun and Synthesize form the perfect bookends for delivering the precise ratio of muscle-building nutrients before and after you train.

What's the strategy for achieving gains in muscle mass fast and with ease? Nutrient timing is actually quite simple my friends. In fact, just do this, consume NO-Shotgun 30 minutes before you workout and NO-Synthesize immediately after you workout. That strategy alone will pack on slabs of beef faster than a anti-myostatin-mutant. This strategy works in men and women. Research shows that you actually don't need that many calories. NO-Synthesize is the culmination of scientific brilliance coupled with real-world results. NO-Synthesize can be taken any time of day, even before bed. But it is ideal immediately post-training and/or during training. Here are just a few revolutionary anabolic-boosting and cell-swelling ingredients that you'll find in NO Synthesize: Creatinol-O-Phosphate or COP has been shown to have cardioprotective effect by an action on anaerobic glycolysis.1 Creatine Phosphate Tetrahydrate increases anaerobic working capacity.2 Also included in the formula is Beta-Alanine, for improving time to exhaustion, increasing whole body creatine retention and acting as a buffer.3 With a star-studded profile of other cutting-edge ingredients, VPX's NO-Synthesize is perfect complement to MRF-inducing NO-Shotgun!

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